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Saturday, July 30, 2011

Profiling Non-Profit Organization: Harriet Tubman Center

There are thousands of non profit organizations making a huge difference in their communities.  I am so proud to be living in Detroit, Michigan, a city that has a philanthropic spirit, despite it’s economic challenges.   One remarkable organization is the Harriet Tubman Center for Organizers, located in southwest Detroit.
I  had the pleasure of being a Tubman Organizer in the summer of 2010.    Tubman’s Executive Director, Bill O’Brien, is a visionary with a gift for developing interns  and producing  empowered activists and leaders; both young and old.
One of the things that I am excited about is the work the Tubman Center is doing with Detroit Action Commonwealth (DAC), a non profit organization on Detroit’s  eastside.  Tubman has trained many DAC members in organizing workshops, seminars and retreats nationwide.   Keep up the good work Harriet Tubman Center for the Recruitment and Development of Community Organizers.  Comments are welcome.

Thursday, July 14, 2011

4 Easy To Follow Writing Tips For Bloggers

Do you feel anxiety whenever you think of writing for your blog. I did.  My brain froze and I was at a loss for words.   Here are a few suggestions I used to help me, and they can help you too.

Find inspiration
Read magazines, newsletters, and newspapers.  Sometimes I’m inspired by watching the news, a movie, a gospel program on television like Joel Olsteen.  I visit several websites and blogs to see what others are writing about and read their content.  I was particularly inspired by two non profits; Francesca’s Sickle Cell Foundation (;  and Bright Blessings USA(
Just start writing
I realize that I am an individual and must find my niche for writing.  Some bloggers are technical and experts in their field.  Some choose a particular event, product or human interest story with a freeform style.  My approach is so simple.  I just start writing whenever the inspiration hits me.  I type as fast as my fingers can keep up with my thoughts.  Do not worry about editing; this is your outline.  Have one or two people look over your content, then utilize spell check and grammar functions and post.
3.    Comment on other blogs and websites
Take time to leave friendly, courteous and supportive comments on the sites you visit.  I won a free T-shirt by being the 300th person to leave a comment  on this site Empowered Flower Girl Company ( 
4.     Mind your manners
Please be careful not to offend, use profanity, or be disrespectful.  You don’t want to be undeleted or reported for scam.  Friending is a great way to network and show your social media netiquette.  Unfriending can become viral, and will hurt your organization.  Be genuine, professional; but more importantly have fun.  

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Why your Non Profit Should Use Social Media

Does your non profit have an online presence? Is your website effective? Do you create strategic alliances to leverage your time and resources? Today I want to quickly discuss 3 reasons why you must utilize social media tools.
First, it’s free. Do you like FREE? I love free, especially when there is value attached to the free. Wayne County Community College offers a free internet marketing roundtable every second Thursday where you can network with good people and learn ways to leverage social media, you even have the opportunity to shout your organization out from the stage.  
Second, you can raise funds globally. Did you know you can attach a pay pal account to your face book fan page or blog; and raise awareness about what your organization does and even raise funds from supporters around the world? Through #viral marketing you and your supporters can quickly spread the word about your cause. 
Lastly, everyone is on Facebook (over 500 million accounts), Twitter (over 175 million). LinkedIn ( over 90 million). Take a look at people on the street. A lot of your potential supporters are on their smart phones all the time texting or using Facebook. You need to be where they are. If the president can win an election with the grassroots  through Facebook, and all major companies have a social media presence you should to. Investors are buzzing that Facebook will be going public very soon; translation, it's here to stay. Are you?

Friday, June 24, 2011

Non Profit Supporters

Whether you are a member of a local church or support a 501 (c) non profit organization, you have either bought or sold a few chicken dinners, candy bars and cookies over the years. Fundraising is an integral part of most non profit organizations (NPO). Funds are needed for choir robes, uniforms, building fund projects, as well as, salary and operating costs.  

Faithful members give of their time and money. These funds are faithfully logged as expense items in family budgets; where there is often more month at the end of the money. In these challenging times, assistance from social service entities are depleting. Non profits are feeling the cuts from grant monies at local, state, federal levels.

Despite the economic hardships and tight budgets; people are still giving and supporting their favorite non profit organizations. True supporters give of their energy, ideas, resources; as well as finances. The bible says, "I have shewed you all things, how that so laboring, ye ought to support the weak, and to remember the words of the Lord Jesus, how he said, It is more blessed to give than to receive." 
(Acts 20: 34, 35 KJV)

There is good in giving!